How to use
The register is divided into countries and/or regions and within each region the members are further divided according to the level of certification held: Master Craftsman being the highest qualification. A summary of the four levels of certification is given below. Full details of the Craft Certification Scheme are available here.
- MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE HOLDERS: have a proven ability to produce quality work to a high standard in a variety of commercial conditions including the construction of a full range of features, eg steps, stiles, sheep holes, pillars, arches, etc.
- ADVANCED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS: have a proven ability to build set pieces of work with an emphasis on finish and quality including construction of retaining walls, curves and work on sloping ground.
- INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS: have demonstrated their ability to construct a sound, free-standing dry stone wall which includes a cheekend.
- INITIAL CERTIFICATE HOLDERS: have demonstrated their ability to rebuild gaps in free-standing dry stone walls.
Each register entry gives the member’s name and contact details. Where provided, each entry also shows a series of letters, which are as follows:
- A = Works within approx. 20 miles of base
- B = Works within approx. 50 miles of base
- C = Works within approx. 100 miles of base
- D = Works anywhere
- G = Holds additional certificate in Galloway Dyking
- X = Undertakes work suitable for one person
- Y = Undertakes work suitable for two-three people
- Z = Undertakes large scale work
Written confirmation is requested by DSWA that a min. £2.5m public liability insurance policy is held but clients should check this is in place with the contractor before entering into a contract.
We include this information to enable you to contact those most likely to be able to undertake the work. Many members work anywhere – in Britain and even abroad – see “D” codes on following lists.
General Information
Many of our wallers are busy and can be booked up well in advance so please be patient if they are not able to assist right away. As in other trades, it is good practice to obtain several price estimates, look at previous work and if necessary, contact the Association for further information.
DSWA is frequently asked for the “going rate” per linear metre or square metre of walling. It is impossible to have a single rate across the country, as output rates are variable due to stone type, terrain, dressing required, etc. Where the highest quality walling is required, the reduced speed of work may result in a consequent increase in the per metre price.